Sunday, January 31, 2010

everybody's workin' for the weekend

villa friends @ space.
trekking through San Gimignano
the view from the top of the bell tower, and the amazing texture of the landscape

After a very busy week of lots of assignments, reading, and adventures, the weekend was a wonderful opportunity to explore Florence, the luxury outlets, and the hilltop town of San Gimignano. On Friday we had our first really fun night in Florence... Our first stop was a bar called 21 but considering I didn't come to Europe to attend frat parties overflowing with Americans, we lasted about 47 seconds. Through the rain we somehow found SPACE, a discoteca that a lot of the other kids from the Villa loved. Everyone was exhausted and debated going inside but I was sick of going into Florence only to go home without actually having a fun night. We had to be doing something wrong. We needed to find Italians and other Europeans gettin' their groove thing on. And groove we did... Dancing in Europe until 4am? Check.

Saturday we awoke at 9am (rough.) to head to San Gimignano, a hilltop town in Tuscany, about 2 hours away. The town is known for it's Gothic towers, though only 4 of the original 40 still remain. We climbed to the top of the highest bell tower, made friends with an Australian Italian/Home Ec. teacher, went wine tasting and came home exhausted, elated, and with cases of wine in hand. For dinner we got lost in Florence (I could have SWORE we were headed toward Ponte Vecchio...) only to find success in the form of pumpkin and asparagus gnocchi. success.

Today I left my bed for 1 hour for brunch. I considered going into Florence to explore but it's cold outside and I think I deserve a day to sit in my bed, upload my photos, catch up on some emails, and update my blog. I hate being a bum since my backyard happens to be Tuscany, but I guess everyone deserves a lazy Sunday every once in a while...

see my hat, see my hat, see my hat

garance dore style.

The Opera: L'Italiana in Algeri

Dress: nu, from Poshh (my beautiful Christmas gift from E) worn
with vintage Kenneth Jay Lane bangle and of course, a glass of Florence's finest Chianti
Savannah, Nick, Molly, and I at the Opera house

I've never missed an opportunity to play dress up...
Even at the Italian Opera...
from the very last row of the Opera house.

I realize that I am very lucky to have an incredible family that understands the magic of growing up going to the theatre and the ballet. I feel so lucky to look back and think about all the Christmases spent at the Radio City Music Spectacular with my dad, the Nutcracker (during the golden age when it still came to the Fox!), and sitting in the perfect seats on Broadway to see Brynn in Sunday in the Park with George, crying laughing at Spelling Bee, Spring Awakening, and Avenue Q, and sitting awestruck at The Lion King in Toronto.

Still, I had never been to the Opera before last week and it was so cool to experience something new, even if it was in a language that I understand every 28th word of (even though the words are projected above the stage). The costumes were fantastic and of course, the power of their voices blew me away. Made even better knowing that one of my favorite professors at UM was once a professional Opera singer... mad respect.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Elio Fiorucci

Sorry for the late post... Friday (pre-Lucca and Pisa) we went to see Elio Fiorucci give a presentation about his line at the Student Art Centers International- Firenze. Fiorucci is known as the designer who made denim fashionable, or the guy who designed my first "designer" item (discounting Baby Dior. Look what you started, Mom)... a jelly tote in elementary school from my wonderful Uncle. The school was hosting a show of his early advertising campaigns so a few of us from my program wandered into Florence for the talk.

A few of my favorite quotes from Mr. Fiorucci
- "Just three young kids with the intuition to create a revolutionary piece of clothing"
- "Art, Music, Culture, and Fashion overlap"- A man after my own heart
- "In order to be modern, we must have a strong consciousness of our roots"

all notes safely kept in my Fashionary notebook (aka one of the best boyfriend-ly surprises ever...)

my dad just called me.
best surprise ever.
funny how obsolete my cell phone is here...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pisa and Lucca

The view from the bridge when arriving in Pisa
Caroline in the OHM tee and Savannah in La Paz
The BEARON Goes Global
Because obviously everyone gets married at the leaning tower...

This weekend we went on a day trip to Pisa and Lucca. Obviously we needed to see the leaning tower, but we wanted to see another Tuscan town while we were away from Florence. Everyone told us that Pisa was overrated, and wouldn't be famous if it weren't for the tower. Thus, I expected to get off of the train, see the Tower immediately, take that ridiculous picture, and then get on the train to Lucca.

Well alas, Pisa is quite lovely! It is known for the wonderful University (Galileo taught there... you would know that if you were taking 3 hours of Galilean history every week...) and the views from the bridge are beautiful. The multicolored row houses reminded me of Curacao (every time I see row houses I think of that and smile) and the graffiti and public art installations were an unexpected treat. Plus there was a Chagall exhibit at the art museum. Unfortunately we didn't make it, but we did spend enough time in Pisa to explore the cobblestone streets (filled with really cool, beautiful shops), visit the Cathedral, Duomo, and Tower, and eat the best gyro of my life. I've never been a big fan of middle eastern food, lamb, or gyros but this wrap, known in Italy as kabop (yup.) might have converted me. I love that since I've been in Italy I have tried tons of new foods and have enjoyed 3 fresh, huge meals every day.

As for the Tower, I understand why people think it's overrated but here's the thing... it's beautiful. Yes it's leaning and that's just nuts but the detailing on the arches and balconies is spectacular. Underrated architecture, overrated foundation failure.

After Pisa we went to Lucca, a city surrounded by massive walls. The tops of the walls are wide, and act as a park for the residents and tourists. It reminded me of Central Park- this ideal escape from the city where everyone is relaxed and enjoying themselves. We rented bikes and explored the city. I would definitely recommend a day trip to Lucca to anyone visiting Tuscany.


So outdoorsy.

Villa Swap?

The Cathedral of Lucca

Fact: Italian is harder than it looks and apparently I'm trilingual?

We got our first Italian quiz back.
I did the back portion in French.
I took one semester of French my senior year of high school.
I took 6+ years of Spanish.
Nous and Vous are not Italian pronouns.

lei, lui


Dad's response to my email that I would be spending the night relearning Italian? :
"eat gelato and put a beanie and a scarf on so you will "be italian" while you study"

a man after my own heart.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gelato at Chanel

If Holly Golightly can have breakfast at Tiffany's, then I can have gelato at Chanel.
At 11:30am, before lunch, on a Tuesday.
I love this place.

I had the morning off, so instead of sleeping in I decided to get myself up and see if I could figure out how to get myself to Florence in one piece. As you know, I can be independent to a fault and there is nothing I love more than exploring a new place, by myself, during the hustle and bustle of a big city day. There is just something so invigorating about taking the train with the locals, exiting the station in a hurry, and walking past all the "tourists" acting like I know what I'm doing. I actually felt like a Florentine... even though I am still (definitely) a very obvious tourist [a fact made more obvious by my decision not to wear a coat...]

I spent the first two hours at the Ufizi gallery and then roamed the nearby street for Gelateria Neri. The LUXE guide to Florence recommended it because they have soy gelato. Now I'm sure you can imagine. This. Was. A. Huge. Deal. I was so excited to find it and so I obviously had to do a trial run...

$1.50 euros, half dark chocolate and half hazelnut, just like the gianduia flavor that my dad and I used to eat after Irish Dance class when I was little. It was absolutely perfect and just as good as the real stuff.

The smallest portion was just right- it lasted me on my walk back from the shop and through my mid-morning window shopping at Chanel. Is there anything more decadent than a little treat and some beautiful eye candy? I think not.

Reason to Love Florence: Soy Gelato + Chanel windows = Tuesday morning.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun Fact: Study Abroad is not an academic walk in the park

Where ever that rumor originated from... LIES.
Michigan and Wisconsin clearly DID NOT GET THE MEMO.
Happy Monday :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Public Art Installations in Florence


making friends.

Exploring Florence

A lazy Saturday afternoon, spent roaming around Florence.
There is something so perfect about Saturday mornings,
Made even better when they are spent with good friends and good food.
Especially if there is a market involved.
Going to the saturday market was one of my favorite things about living in Pittsburgh.
I can definitely see the Florence market becoming one of my favorite places to spend the day.

Wine Tasting

Just when I thought this couldn't get any better

"I'm completely overwhelmed by epic-ness" - Alyssa

As a pure and insatiable aesthete, obsessed with the beauty of everything, this week has turned me upside down. The people here are elegant, quirky, and sophisticated. The sculptures show every detail, muscle, and wrinkle. Every church and every inlaid marble floor is filled to the brim with pieces that artists dedicated their entire careers to creating. There is incredible patience, passion, and appreciation about everything in this city.

Then we went to Siena. Imagine "Tuscany," envision a Villa, consider your understanding of the term "Cathedral". Everything surpassed my expectations and I definitely never thought that I would be on the verge of tears over the sight of a building. After hours of Cathedrals and history paintings, frescos, sculptures and cobblestones, we walked into the Cathedral of Siena. Everything stopped. I was completely overwhelmed. There is so much beauty in this world but this Cathedral said it all. Every detail was considered, then coated in gold leaf. The workmanship was incredible. I can only hope to one day pour myself into my work like they did.

There was an older man crouched on the floor with a chisel and a miniature brush, cleaning and restoring just a few words depicted on the inlaid marble floor. He looked completely captivated and focused. This is his job: to restore the most beautiful building in the world. This is what he wakes up looking forward to every morning. When he's tired and sore from his work, he can look up and see hand painted fresco stars and mind blowing striped columns. If ever there was an argument for doing what you love...

Being here kicks me back into gear.
I was getting restless in Ann Arbor.
Bored by my surroundings, bored by the stress of things that didn't even really matter.
I haven't stopped laughing or smiling since I got here.
Escapism is under rated.
I feel like myself again.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Most. Ridiculous. Day. Ever.

Midnight- 1am: followed a group of 15 Americans and a club promoter (from the bus) to a club that was completely empty, promptly leaving within three minutes, only after stealing 10 free admit passes

1am: Professors lied. Buses don't run until 1am. Take taxi home (after polishing off gelato no less).

2am: Shower and get terribly anxious for Sartorialist book signing

7am: Wake up for morning class at the Baptistry of the Duomo

8:30am: Professor obtains private admission for class to the Baptistry, discuss Gates of Paradise... I nearly fall asleep in museum

11am: Rachel and I venture into McDo to explore the diverse menu, only to find that 1/2 of the restaurant is a McCafe... and also find the cheapest Coke yet. A delicious 2euro after an exhausting morning.

Noon-1pm: NAP TIME

1pm: Lunch at the Villa

3-4pm: Get ready for Luisa Via Roma event!

4pm: Joke attempt at Italian class. AKA whispered to Mary Kate the whole time about how excited I was and drummed my fingers on my Ciao! book


6:30-10: The Sartorialist book signing at Luisa Via Roma near the Duomo. Not only was the party fabulous, but the boutique was so beautiful. There was a wide range of designers and pieces, plus a rooftop terrance where the party and signing were held. Anthony and Mary Kate joined me, expecting "a guy in a Florence Barnes and Noble". Hahah. Oops. I think the open bar, flowing champagne, roaming dinner, and lollipops... in addition to the impeccably dressed crowd made this the perfect party to kick off our trip. Cheers and Thank You to Scott and Garance for coming to visit Firenze!

10-11pm: The party high wore off as we shared a pizza and a bottle of wine, then caught the bus home...

Best night. And I have 4 months left to top that? Bring it on.

goodnight. <3

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Travel Tips

Okay, so I need to adjust my travel to-do list. We just had a meeting about traveling while we're free and my goodness am I excited!

New Additions:
- Triaste: a weekend trip to the adriatic coast, including a day in Croatia
- Cinque Terre
- Elba Island: an island off the coast of Tuscany, reached by ferry

I'm leaning towards traveling more in and around Italy. It seems so much less stressful, less expensive, and more beautiful. Plus, this trip is an incredible opportunity to really get to know the country and travel to all these amazing, lesser known places. Rebecca gave me great advice right before I left, "Remember, you'll go back". A trip to Paris or London can happen quite easily later on, but when else am I going to have the opportunity to take a weekend trip to the Tuscan countryside, spend a day in Croatia, or visit Pisa with some of the most renowned historians and professors?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Study Abroad To-Do List

Here's my study-abroad to do list... a list of the places where I really want to travel while I'm here. If you've been or have any other ideas, let me know!

- Milano- Fashion Week
- The Amalfi Coast to see the south
- Capri or Sardinia for some fun in the sun

- Switzerland: Interlochen, Geneva, the slow train through the Alps, and skydiving (clearly one of my two big trips!)
- Scotland: to visit Andrew with Emily and Liz
- Paris: Fashion Week
- Greece: if Mike decides to come visit, I would love to use my second full week to travel to Athens and visit the islands

Plus our program is taking us to Rome, Siena, Pisa, and Venice while we're here!

In attempting the explore Italy,


Life Long Dream: Meet Scott Schuman aka The Sartorialist.
Today's post on his blog: Getting on a flight to Florence for a BOOK SIGNING.

Crist, eat your heart out. My heart might beat out of my chest...
"I do not know why the arts most closely approaching the liberal arts- painting, sculpture in stone and bronze, and architecture- had been in so long and so deep a decline and almost died out together with literature itself; nor why they have come to be aroused and come to life again in this age; nor why there is now such a rich harvest both of good artists and good writers" - Lorenzo Valle

Fun Fact: All doors in Italy are push.

It's a completely different experience to study abroad, especially in a city that isn't used to tourists. I'm so happy that we live outside of Florence- living in the city would be so overwhelming and living outside provides us the opportunity to go for walks, explore, and hang out in smaller bars and restaurants. However, the people in town are not used to seeing tourists, especially young Americans. Travel tip: when traveling around Italy while attempting to blend in and look as non-American as possible, do not pull a door towards you. There is no faster way to give yourself away... unless of course you're wearing a ciao bella t-shirt...